If you look at any list entitled, “Word of the Year,” you’ll find “authenticity” at or near the top. Although the word has been largely co-opted into marketing speak, it can have tremendous value, especially for the acupuncture, wellness practitioners, and East Asian medicine community. Branding is not nor has it ever been about colors or logos.

It’s about how the company, service, or product makes you feel. Ask yourself, What do people and patients remember about your brand when they finish a session? What do they say when talking to a friend about their experience? And why do they come back? You, your employees, your digital persona—website, social media, etc.—are your brand.

Together we’ll explore a variety of ways to help get at what makes you truly special in your community and in the marketplace. And we’ll look at avenues to authentically tell that story and bring more people to you and your business in a natural, organic way.

Key Takeaways:

• Draft “elevator pitch” of your brand story that can help guide how you describe your practice in person and online

• Deeper grasp of the power of brand continuity across channels

• List of actionable ways to improve your website content and social media messaging

• Better understanding of how to select the right creative and marketing partners