What is the best business model and size of acupuncture practice? That depends on the practitioner, their values, goals and individual perspective. Just like our medicine, while there are core principles that form a foundation, the methods that arise and the various ways to engage the medicine and a practice as unique as each individual.
In this conversation Ji Ling Lin, a fairly recent graduate, grabs the microphone and steers this conversation with podcast host Michael Max and gets his perspective and experience with having a home office.
Listen into this discussion on the benefits and challenges of having a home office, and how our practices are an expression of our own spirit, vision and values.
In This Conversation We Discuss:
- What got Michael started with a home clinic
- Life during Covid
- Transitioning to a home office
- Screening patients
- Security issues
- Knowing your limits and the kinds of patients you want to serve
- The patients who will not come to see you
- Financial perspective on having a home practice
- Why you want to get found on a local search, and how to do it
- Not arguing with patients
- The power of seeking to understand someone from their own point of view
- Lack of overhead brings some financial flexibility
- Trusting your own process
My dear Chinese medicine colleagues, especially new practitioners just starting off, please remember to schedule rest and play into your week. Deeply nourish yourself, so that you may generously extend that loving care back out to your patients in rejuvenate, life-giving ways.
Ji Ling Lin, L.Ac
Jiling Lin is an acupuncturist, herbalist, and yoga teacher in Ventura, CA. She empowers thriving wild, creative, spirited health through embodied classes, clinics, and more holistic resources. Jiling is a first generation Taiwanese American with a photojournalism, outdoor education, and western herbal background.
She started her Chinese medicine journey studying in two Taiwanese home clinics, completed her Master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in California, and is now practicing in her own home clinic, while teaching online classes integrating Chinese Medicine, creativity, and nature connection, and running community acupuncture clinics in different fitness studios, pre-pandemic! Jiling specializes in treating pain, trauma, and complex chronic conditions.
Passionate about living life as art, you’ll find Jiling surfing, climbing, hiking, backpacking, and botanizing outside of the clinic and classroom.