
Qiologician Podcasts
Mistakes and Discoveries- group discussion on learning Saam acupuncture

Mistakes and Discoveries- group discussion on learning Saam acupuncture

Mistakes and discoveries go hand in hand. And there is really no way to get it right in medicine without getting wrong on the way to getting right.This is another in a continuing series of conversations between Toby Daly and some practitioners who are actively engaged in learning the Sa’am acupuncture method.While we know that the practice of medicine requires of us constant study and sometimes diving into a new perspective, it is usually easier said than done.

by Mar 1, 2019
Qiologician Podcasts
Marketing in The Digital World • Marketing Mini-Series 5

Marketing in The Digital World • Marketing Mini-Series 5

We’ve all been on the “bad” of marketing. Have been subjected to intrusive and unskilled attempts at trying to convince us of something. It raises your hackles; it should.

Lots of us mistake advertising for marketing. But these two, which related, are different. Marketing is about how you communicate, how you represent your authentic self to the world, and how to better understand others so you can see if you might be able to help.

by Feb 13, 2019
Qiologician Podcasts
Further Discussion on Learning Saam Acupuncture

Further Discussion on Learning Saam Acupuncture

It is always hard at the beginning. It's difficult to learn to see and move in the world in ways that feel foreign and uncomfortable. We like to feel like we know what we're doing. We want to be of service to our patients and help in the best ways possible. And when learning something new it brings back all the discomfort of anytime we have had to grow into a larger version of ourselves.

by Jan 8, 2019
Qiologician Podcasts
The Nature of Water: Connection and Transformation • Margot Rossi & Nick Pole

The Nature of Water: Connection and Transformation • Margot Rossi & Nick Pole

Have you noticed that sometimes, simply when allowing a patient the space to unspool their story something happens. Not only do you hear something vital and important, but the patient might pause as they seemingly for the first time listen to themselves.

The 10 questions in Chinese medicine is not just about gathering information so we can find out what is wrong. It is an opportunity to listen our patients into their…

by Dec 22, 2018
Qiologician Podcasts
Discussing The Three Treasures • A Part-Two Conversation with Andrew Nugent-Head

Discussing The Three Treasures • A Part-Two Conversation with Andrew Nugent-Head

These are essentials that pervade our thinking as East Asian medicine practitioners. And yet, as fundamental as they are, these three are not so easy to nail down.
They are concepts from another time and culture, and they are present and unfolding in your experience as you read this.

If you are looking for something materially tangible to the Western mind, there is a lot you’ll miss. If you are seeking something of an ancient mystery, you’ll also go wide of the mark.

by Nov 26, 2018
Qiologician Podcasts
The Path of Journey • Daniel Schulman

The Path of Journey • Daniel Schulman

We venerate the masters, hold them up as shining examples of what we would like to be one some day, but let’s be honest here— most of us will never be masters. Those rarified characters are few and far between. And the process it takes is not one most of us would willing sign up for. We do however have a good shot at being a fine journeyman or journeywoman

by Nov 10, 2018
Qiologician Podcasts
Clinical Questions on Saam Acupuncture: Group Discussion

Clinical Questions on Saam Acupuncture: Group Discussion

In this conversation we have a couple of practitioners who have listened to Toby’s podcasts on Sa’am acupuncture and read his article from the Journal of Chinese Medicine ask questions based on their experience of using this perspective in their clinical work. 

This not a discussion of theory, but rather clinical applications from practitioners who are engaging the method. 

by Oct 1, 2018
Qiologician Podcasts
Old Medicine: A Conversation with Lorraine Wilcox

Old Medicine: A Conversation with Lorraine Wilcox

This is Qiological's first episode with a guest interviewer. Njemile Carol Jones pulls out her old radio day skills and sits down with Lorraine Wilcox for a conversation on what has caught her attention over the years, and the various projects in which she is currently involved. 

Njemile and Lorraine knew each other from back in the day when they both worked at NPR. Since then they've both traveled their own paths into Chinese medicine. 

by Sep 12, 2018