Saam Five Element Acupuncture is a Korean meridian-based acupuncture system. Saam focuses on achieving a constitutional systematic balance of organ function, rather than focusing solely on acute and local strategies. The treatments are accomplished by utilizing prescriptions of Five Element transport points. There are various approaches within the Saam Acupuncture model for selecting the primary channel for treatment. The approach I will be presenting employs three criteria to arrive at a three-dimensional treatment.
The criteria include:
1) The primary channel pathway related to the chief complaint.
2) The Zang-Fu influences based on Five Element theory.
3) Deficiency and excess patterns based on the Six Conformation factors.
This lecture aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Saam Acupuncture based on literature reviews and to elucidate its clinical applications in Korea.
In This Presentation We Will:
- Ground students in the tenets of the historical 43 chapters of the original Saam text.
- Introduce a three dimensional (three pronged) approach to diagnosis within Saam acupuncture.
- Understand the proper use of point prescriptions for excess and deficiency diagnoses.
- The proper administration of advanced/modified point prescriptions to address more challenging patient presentations.