first encountered acupuncture about ten years ago, at the encouragement of a friend who saw me struggling with my own health and at a loss for what to do. I found myself right at home with the philosophy of Traditional East Asian Medicine, and deeply affected by the subtle power of acupuncture and herbal medicine. I decided to become an acupuncturist, to learn more about something that fascinated me, to provide a service to others, and with the hope of helping the natural world through teaching people about their part in it and its presence in them.
I completed my Masters degree at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, OR in 2013. Soon after starting school, I learned more about the history of this medicine and how much was lost through the establishment of TCM. I quickly realized that I wouldn't be satisfied by studying TCM alone. Among other explorations, I studied Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis, primarily under Gwen Lovetere and Brian LaForgia, which has become an important foundation for my practice. I also endeavor to incorporate mindfulness techniques in my work with patients, and am passionate about a simple, balanced approach to diet and nutrition as a crucial element of health.
I started SOURCE Integrative Medicine with my husband in Portland in 2015, where we both currently practice.