David Toone, Saam and its Clinical Place within the Wu Yun Liu Qi Cosmology – Without PDA
In this class we explore the classical and clinical relationship between the Heavenly Stems (天干), Earthly Branches (地支) and Six Qi (六氣). Saam holds unique place in the cosmology of Chinese Medicine, by utilizing the relationship between the Five Phases and Six Qi (六氣)...
Dr. Jungwhan Lee, Mind Acupuncture- Immediate Relief of Negative Emotions and Thoughts – Without PDA
Mind acupuncture is a Saam informed meridian-based psychotherapy modality. Mind acupuncture is firmly rooted in traditional East-Asian medical theory. The fundamental basis being that qi (energy) instability causes negative emotions and thoughts. Through the...
David Toone, Saam and its Clinical Place within the Wu Yun Liu Qi Cosmology – 2 NCCAOM PDA
In this class we explore the classical and clinical relationship between the Heavenly Stems (天干), Earthly Branches (地支) and Six Qi (六氣). Saam holds unique place in the cosmology of Chinese Medicine, by utilizing the relationship between the Five Phases and Six Qi (六氣)...
Sanghoon Lee, Saam Acupuncture Unveiled: Literature Review and Its Clinical Application in Korea – Without PDA
Saam Five Element Acupuncture is a Korean meridian-based acupuncture system. Saam focuses on achieving a constitutional systematic balance of organ function, rather than focusing solely on acute and local strategies. The treatments are accomplished by utilizing...Sanghoon Lee, Saam Acupuncture Unveiled: Literature Review and Its Clinical Application in Korea -2 NCCAOM PDA
Saam Five Element Acupuncture is a Korean meridian-based acupuncture system. Saam focuses on achieving a constitutional systematic balance of organ function, rather than focusing solely on acute and local strategies. The treatments are accomplished by utilizing...
Sharon Weizenbaum, Classical Perspectives on Supplementing, Draining and Flavors in Relation to Saam Acupuncture – 2 NCCAOM PDA
In this lecture, Sharon will explore the concepts of supplementing, draining and shunting methods based on her understanding and translation of portions of the Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng. Much of this understanding also comes from her translations of the work of Dr. Zhāng...
Sharon Weizenbaum, Classical Perspectives on Supplementing, Draining and Flavors in Relation to Saam Acupuncture – Without PDA
In this lecture, Sharon will explore the concepts of supplementing, draining and shunting methods based on her understanding and translation of portions of the Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng. Much of this understanding also comes from her translations of the work of Dr. Zhāng...
Toby Daly, The Saam Acupuncture Tradition: The Twelve Watersheds – Without PDA
“The twelve conduit vessels link up with the twelve stream waters outside, and they are connected with the five zang and the six fu inside.” Chapter 12 of the Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu correlates the qualities of twelve ancient watersheds with the twelve primary...
Sharon Sherman, Open the Portals. Bearing Witness to What is Present – Without PDA
Bearing witness as a health care practitioner requires us to be present and attentive to the truth of another's experiences. It is also an opportunity to hone our Saam diagnostic skills and enhance our ability to serve. We will be looking at videos and getting...
Philip Suger, The History and Development of Saam Acupuncture — Without PDA
Despite the increased interest in Saam acupuncture there is very little known about its origins and development. This presentation is designed to shine some light on how the modern Saam acupuncture came to be. The first portion of the presentation will describe the...Phil Settels, Saam and Jing Fang: Beyond Herbalized Acupuncture – Without PDA
This course will explore the 12 archetypes of channel system excess from the Saam acupuncture system, and relate them to classical formulas (Jing Fang). In particular, the herb presentation (yao zheng) and formula presentations (fang zheng) styles of Shanghan Lun...
Peter Eckman, Saam and The Varieties of Korean Acupuncture – Without PDA
This presentation will explore its history and the many styles of practice it has engendered in Korea as well as elsewhere. The basis of Saam acupuncture is the 4-needle technique. Tonifying, sedating, heating and cooling formulas will be reviewed plus other 4-needle...Joshua Park, Cultural, Classical, and Clinical Contexts for Saam Acupuncture – Without PDA
This presentation will discuss the theory and application of Saam acupuncture. We will begin by situating Saam Acupuncture in the broader context of Korean history and Korean Medicine, highlighting the unique features of Korean Medicine and showing how these features...Hon Lee, Saam Acupuncture, Korean Acupuncture: History, Theory & Techniques – Without PDA
My presentation will include a brief history, theory, and techniques of Saam acupuncture. The PowerPoint slides I’ll share with you belong to my teacher, Dr. Tae Cheong Choo. My talk will highlight Dr. Choo's teachings on the “Comprehensive Method”...
George Mandler, Stepping into Saam – How to Navigate Treatments when “Saam doesn’t work” – 2 NCCAOM PDA
This discussion is ideal for those who practice the Saam Buddhist monastic tradition of Toby Daly’s teacher. This talk is especially for those new to the system or those who feel they are not getting their expected clinical results. Toby has transmitted a beautifully...
Daniel Schulman, Intelligence and Infrastructure: Saam and the Border – Without PDA
We will explore the unique potency of Saam acupuncture to enliven the process of clinician development, from the didactic beginnings of technical repetition to the deep archetypal essence connection. Most of us have access to two major streams of Saam lineage, the...
Evan Mahoney, Saam Acupuncture’s “Organ Centered Consciousness” – Without PDA
Saam Acupuncture ‘Organ Centered Consciousness’ model is based off of four legs. The first is a student’s introduction to the theories of TCM and how they identify, internalize, and relate to such medicine. The Second and Third Legs are based on PTSD which is a...