In order to understand how Chinese medicine views immunity, specifically autoimmune disorders and epidemic diseases, we need to understand the central role of the phenomenon of xiang huo/ministerial fire and how it was defined in several schools of thought, including the Shang Han Lun, Wen Bing Xue, Fire Spirit School, Li Dongyuan’s Spleen/Stomach current and in the medical classics such as the Su Wen and Nan Jing. Each of these systems maintained that ministerial fire or mingmen/lifegate had a central role which could be expressed in different ways through different systems and phenomena. Specifically the Shang Han Lun and Wen Bing schools developed immunological maps for understanding progressions of epidemic evils and chronic complex disorders.
In this recorded seminar, Zev Rosenberg will discuss the history and applications of ministerial fire in depth, ‘phantom pathogens’ (Lyme, post-Covid, chronic fatigue or lao sun), formulas and strategies, special diagnoses, and modern applications of classical principles. He will also include material from his upcoming book, “Afterglow: Ministerial Fire and Qi Transformation in Chinese Medicine.”
In this real time event we will discuss
- Listeners will gain a new understanding the role of ministerial fire in autoimmune disorders
- Listeners will learn how to distinguish ‘inflammation’ in terms of ministerial fire by managing the fire, not ‘extinguishing’ it
- We will discuss the importance and relationship of ying qi/construction qi and wei qi/defense qi in chronic illness, and their relationship to ministerial fire and yuan/source qi
You’ll have lifetime access to the recording of this Qiological Live seminar
Your Instructor For This Class

Z'ev Rosenberg
Z’ev Rosenberg, L. Ac began his studies of Asian schools of medicine in the early 1970’s, with studies in macrobiotics and shiatsu. In 1983 he graduated from Southwest Acupuncture College. And then completed post graduate work at Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine.
Z’ev has a private practice where he specializes in autoimmune disorders.
In addition he directs the Alembic Institute where he teaches advanced seminars in medical classics, pulse diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disorders. He is a senior researcher at the Xinglin Institute for the Study of Early East Asian Medicine. And has authored two books, Returning to the Source and Ripples in the Flow.